वीडियो जानकारी: संवाद सत्र, 11.08.2013, नॉएडा, उत्तर प्रदेश
The idea of a separate individual, an ego, self or I-concept, is an object. I become an object—inevitably— every time I think of myself. Also, every time I act as myself it is an object that acts. Once in a while, however, I act directly—but then no 'I' acts. 'I' am not conscious of anything: never. 'Consciousness' as such is all that I am. ― Open Secret (Wei Wu Wei)
“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” ― Rumi
'I' am not conscious of anything: never. 'Consciousness' as such is all that I am. ― Open Secret (Wei Wu Wei)
The Asker is the Answer. ― Open Secret (Wei Wu Wei)
~ कौन थे, वे वू वे?
~ क्या हमारा हर काम यंत्रवत है?
~ क्या चेतना भी जड़ है?